Creativity in the Community

I have been working with community groups funded by Multiply North Yorkshire with a focus on creative maths!

Supporting ESOL families and single parents in York, the workshops have included Bath Bombs, Papercut, Mosaics, ZenDoodle, Printmaking, Painting, Collage, Needle Felting, Clay Modelling and Jewellery. There is maths to be found throughout these creative activities, utilising measurement, calculation, scale and proportion, ratio, quantity, pattern and repetition, time, cost and so on.


The workshops have also become a social hub for the participants who enjoy meeting up and creating together. One of my participants also won a recent award for outstanding progress! To see their fabulous creations, visit my Facebook Page

Creative Avenue was invited to St Nick's Autumn Fayre to create a community mosaic with members of the public utilising broken crockery and unwanted nik naks.


I created the word 'Breathe' and demonstrated cutting techniques to assist the visitors in shaping and placing their pieces. Some children enjoyed smashing the china (safely!) and some enjoyed choosing the individual items to stick on such as marbles and kinder egg toys. Look out for the chicken!

This will be grouted and installed at St Nicks Environment Centre at a later date.

York CFO

I worked with Prison and Parole participants throughout 2022 delivering Art & Craft sessions to improve confidence and wellbeing.

We explored a wide variety of materials and themes and  contributed to the York Learning exhibition 'Flight' at York Central Library.

This was a really rewarding project and I really enjoyed establishing the CFO Art Group and their Gallery Wall.

One of my participants won a 'POP' Art (Prisoners on Parole) competition and had their collage artwork exhibited.

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